Introduction To The New Standards
The New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Visual and Performing Arts (NJSLS-VPA) are designed to promote lifelong artistic literacy and fluency. Read More >>

Anchor Standard 1: Generating and conceptualizing ideas.
Anchor Standard 2: Organizing and developing ideas.
Anchor Standard 3: Refining and completing products.

Performing/ Presenting/ Producing
Anchor Standard 4: Selecting, analyzing and interpreting work.
Anchor Standard 5: Developing and refining techniques and models or steps needed to create products.
Anchor Standard 6: Conveying meaning through art.

Anchor Standard 7: Perceiving and analyzing products.
Anchor Standard 8: Applying criteria to evaluate products.
Anchor Standard 9: Interpreting intent and meaning.

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesizing and relating knowledge and personal experiences to create products.
Anchor Standard 11: Relating artistic ideas and works within societal, cultural, and historical contexts to deepen understanding.